
MCA Script

MCA Cold Call Script

Good Morning/Afternoon Mr. / Miss. Jones, 

This is    (your name)   over at Omni Capital, how are you doing today? 

Great, the reason for the phone call is because I represent one of the largest finance companies in the US providing working capital of up to $5 million dollars for business owners like yourself.

Q: Are you currently in a cash advance or have a bank line of credit?

“Well a cash advance is a fast funding program that gives me the ability to fund your business with up to $5 million dollars in as little as 24-48 hours.

The amount you may qualify for depends on your business’s revenue over the last six months.

Now let me paint you a picture of what I can do for you.

Ballpark figure: what does your business gross a year?” (Gross Revenue per month x 12)

Enter the amount they say in the first field:

Now would you say that it’s not worth it just to see how much we may be able to get for you?”

No? Ok “Great, Now I’m going to ask you a few questions” (Continue to application button below.)

  • How much did you get?

  • Are you tapped out?

“I understand the chances that I call you on the exact day that you’re looking for capital is pretty slim. But would you say it’s not beneficial for your business to access funds at a profitable rate from me?

IF YES: Truly Not Interested. End The Call and Move On to The Next


“Ok great, Now let me paint you a picture. Ballpark figure: what does your business gross a year?” (Gross Revenue per month x 12)

Enter the amount they say in the first field:

Now would you say that it’s not worth it just to see how much we may be able to get for you?”

No? Ok “Great, Now I’m going to ask you a few questions” (Continue to application button below.)


“You’re telling me there’s not a single opportunity you can take advantage of?

Such as:

 Expansion
 Renovations
 Buying Inventory
 Advertising to Get More Sales?
 Payroll?”

I’m not looking for someone that’s desperate for cash I’m looking for a successful business owner like yourself that can make a profit with the money I can provide, which is 10-15% of what your
business grosses a year.

Ballpark, how much did your business gross last year?

If I am able to get you 10-15% of your yearly business income at a favorable rate, you’ll not only boost your business but also maintain a valuable relationship with someone who can consistently secure the working capital you need.

I’m not looking for someone that’s desperate for cash I’m looking for a successful business owner like yourself that can make a profit with the money I can provide, which is 10-15% of what your
business grosses a year.

Ballpark, how much did your business gross last year?

If I am able to get you 10-15% of your yearly business income at a favorable rate, you’ll not only boost your business but also maintain a valuable relationship with someone who can consistently secure the working capital you need.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

How does it work?

The process is very simple. A merchant cash advance is a fast funding program. We can provide businesses with capital in as little as 3 business days. Unlike the bank, we are not credit driven and we do not hold any collateral against the business. All we need is a 1 page application filled out, signed, and dated. Along with the last 4 months of business bank statements, and 4 months of business credit card processing statements. In house

How much can I qualify for?

The amount you may qualify for is determined by many factors but usually we can provide you with 10-15% of what your business grosses on an annual basis. Once you send me over your statements I can get started on putting together numbers, terms, and rates for you, and have something to present to you within 24-48 hours.

What can I do with the money?

You can use the money to...

  • Purchase Inventory
  • Expansion
  • Renting or Buying Equipment
  • Hiring Additional Staff
  • Launching Marketing Campaigns
  • General Working Capital
  • Paying Bills

What are your interest rates?

"We don't work off interest rates we work off a factor rate, which is a one-time flat fee paid on top of the money depending on the strength of your business. Now, when it comes to your banking do you run a clean bank statement or do you have a lot of negative days?" "(Days where expenses are higher than income)"

If clean: You qualify for our better programs. Go into close...

"The rates range anywhere from 1.15 to 1.45 which is evaluated off your bank statements, credit score, years in business, and average daily balance. What I would like to do is have my underwriters look at your file this way i can get back to you with exact offers in black and white. I
don't want to over promise and under deliver. Let me put a few offers together and if they make business sense hopefully i can help you grow your business for the next 10 to 15 years if not we will simply part as friends Sound fair?" If yes: Ok great go into close....

Do you ook at my personal credit history?

Merchant cash advances are not credit driven products. However a good credit score can help in getting better rates and longer terms!

What is a UCC?

A UCC listing is filed against a business with the state when a loan is taking out, which gives the company rights to your business if you default. A UCC listing is public Knowledge and is sold by data companies.